This book about medieval village life is a truly unique reading experience. There’s a lot of variety and information in the text.
Would you like to know what it was like to be a child living in a medieval village? This book was written as a play, by a librarian. I found it to be innovative and intriguing!
My experience of reading Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village
I bought a paperback copy so I could finally satisfy my curiosity about what this book is like. I am a typically slow reader and didn’t read it straight through, but each day I’d read one section, learning about one child at a time. The chapters are titled with children’s names and mention a little about their roles in village life.
I love the unusual names of some of the children and the brief description on the contents page about their station or parentage. Everything about this book is unusual and unique so it gained great respect from me for that.
Also I was surprised and pleased when each chapter was so very unique and different, in format. Throughout there were notes explaining more about medieval village life.
Great book! I gave the book five stars in my Goodreads review.
I am grateful the Newbery committee that year decided to choose such good literature!
Would a child like it?
I think some children would like this book but certainly not all of them. You would have to know the child well to understand if this would be something they’d actually read and appreciate. The Amazon website says the book is for ages 8 and up but I think probably age 12+ would be better.
Is the book worth buying?
If you are interested in Newbery list literature, this book is a must-have. There’s nothing else on the list quite like it.
If you’re interested in medieval village life and middle ages history, this would be a good addition to your collection of books on that time period.
My Amazon link to this book: Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village
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I have had this book on my shelf for ages and haven’t gotten to it. I surely will now after reading your review. Thanks for the post.
Hope you like it. It certainly is different than most children’s books!