This book about medieval village life is a truly unique reading experience. There’s a lot of variety and information in the text.
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Little House in the Big Woods :: Linda Book Lady’s Review :: No Spoilers
Have you read the Little House books lately? I didn’t read them until I was in my 30’s (I’m 70 now) but I became nearly addicted to them for a while. Unfortunately, I missed a few in this series and now I’m determined to fix that problem.
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Last Stop on Market Street :: Linda Book Lady’s Review :: No Spoilers
A picture book won the Newbery Medal in 2016. I always wondered why. Finally I did the reasonable thing. I purchased a copy of the book and read it. Wow! What an amazing picture book!
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Other Words For Home, by Jasmine Warga :: Linda Book Lady’s Review :: Spoiler Free
I enjoyed reading Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga. It was easily readable and is a good way to introduce a child to the realities of the war in Syria and why so many Syrians have immigrated into the United States. The main character, Jude, is the first person narrator of this novel in free verse. Jude is a relatable character who anyone should be happy to call a friend.
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Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White :: Linda Book Lady’s Review :: Spoiler Free
What a sweet book! Charlotte’s Web was originally published in 1952 when I was three months old. The following year it was named a Newbery honor book. The winner that year is rarely spoken of these days but Charlotte’s Web earned an enduring place in our hearts.
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