You can be a writer if you decide to let your writing talents develop naturally. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or where you live, or what you do for a living, or how much money you have, or how many children you have.
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Writers Read – That’s What They Do
Writers read; this is non-negotiable. It is how we learn to write. I’ve always been a reader, ever since that magical moment, which I still clearly remember, when my first grade teacher asked us to open our spelling workbooks and write, “I am.” It didn’t take me long to find delight in turning the sounds of my language into written words.
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Place Children’s Story Characters Into Unusual Settings
Reach for the Unique! Unusual places and situations for children’s story characters.
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Themes in Children’s Fiction
Learn the difference between themes in children’s fiction, and thematic categories, when to decide on a theme, and what types of themes work well in children’s literature.
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Practice Writing Children’s Literature
How to get better at writing children’s literature via practice writing.
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