In One Crazy Summer, three young girls travel by plane from New York City to Oakland, California to visit their mother for a month.
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Writers Read – That’s What They Do
Writers read; this is non-negotiable. It is how we learn to write. I’ve always been a reader, ever since that magical moment, which I still clearly remember, when my first grade teacher asked us to open our spelling workbooks and write, “I am.” It didn’t take me long to find delight in turning the sounds of my language into written words.
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The Story of Eloise Wilkin – Illustrator of Little Golden Books
This is the story of Eloise Wilkin, one of the most talented children’s book illustrators ever to live.
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The White Darkness, by Geraldine McCaughrean – Linda Book Lady’s Review :: Spoiler Free
This is my review of a novel written for teens: The White Darkness, by Geraldine McCaughrean. This is an award winning young adult novel about a girl who travels across the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica with her uncle.
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Place Children’s Story Characters Into Unusual Settings
Reach for the Unique! Unusual places and situations for children’s story characters.
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